Acquiring a school property can be a daunting and time-consuming task. At Hermann London, we have a team of dedicated space finders who specialize in the education industry. As one of the few St. Louis-based real estate firms specializing in schools, our professionals have extensive knowledge in this field.
Most schools start in temporary locations, such as community centers or church halls. But once the student population starts to grow, schools need to look for a permanent place to call their own. Before purchasing a property for your school, you will need to consider factors such as whether there will be enough space for parking, room for future expansion, the cost of upgrading technology, whether the property is zoned for educational purposes, and what the development costs will be.
Our firm has built strong relationships with property owners, developers, lending institutions, insurance agencies, and other key stakeholders who can facilitate a smooth transaction.
We understand that time is precious in the education sector. Our professionals are skilled negotiators and experts in the field who focus solely on ensuring your school’s growth and success. Trust us to find the perfect space for your institution, allowing you to focus on what really matters: educating the future generation.