13 Oct Epic “Little Free Pantry” in Dogtown

While walking through Dogtown on our way to Heavy Riff Brewing and Felix’s Pizza Pub we noticed some furniture to the side of a driveway on Clayton Avenue, but it was too nice to be considered trash. Upon closer inspection we saw that it was one of the most intricate homemade pantries we had ever seen. It had been freshly painted with eye-cathing red accents, there was a roof to keep the rain away, and not only was it a food pantry but it was also a library and personal care item pantry. This is all setup at one nice family’s house but if you were to peek at the Dogtown Facebook group, you’d see that a lot of the community has volunteered to maintain it and donate to it. A lot of thought has been put into the “Little Free Pantry” and it warms our heart to see it during our walks around Dogtown.