17 Feb REALTOR® Spotlight: Luke Goodlett
Get to know the people behind the most trusted name in St. Louis Real Estate!

Agent Highlight Q’s:
- Name: Luke Goodlett
- Title: REALTOR®
- Residential or Commercial: I am interested in both residential and commercial real estate.
- Number of years in the industry: I’ve been a REALTOR since the beginning of December 2021
- Area of specialty: St. Charles County is my specialty. I grew up there, so I know the area very well.
- Little known fact about Luke: I am a huge pro wrestling fan. Wrestling one match in front of a crowd is on my bucket list.
- Best piece of advice as a real estate professional: Don’t give up!
- App Luke uses the most: Probably either the app for my bank or the email app
- Luke’s Favorite STL Restaurants: Tied for first is The Block in Webster Groves and Polite Society in Lafayette square. Out in St. Charles County it’s Tully’s taproom
- Tell us a joke: What do you call two monkeys who share an Amazon account? Prime mates