19 Apr VIDEO: 4 Pints of Clementine’s Ice Cream for This Week’s NeighborhoodBearHunt.com Instagram Winner
Neighborhood Bear Hunt dropped off 4 pints of ice cream from Clementine’s Naughty & Nice Creamery to this week’s photo contest winner! Watch how the ice cream goes from the store to the winner’s doorstep during a quarantine.
Make sure to post your bear pics on Instagram and then tag instagram.com/neighborhood_bear_hunt/
#NeighborhoodBearHunt #StlBearHunt
How to participate …

1. Invite your neighbors, schools, and local business owners to participate. Click below to download email. *Note: there is no sign up required or personal information required
2. Print out the official “NBH Proud Participant” door decal here
3. Stick the decal on the upper right corner on your front door
(this will help the littles know you are participating)
4. Check out our Calendar to see this weeks hunt
5. Hide this weeks item in one of your windows visible from the street
6. Take a picture, post it to Instagram, and tag Neighborhood Bear Hunt for your chance to win some ice cream!