24 Sep Systems Processes and Tools for Realtors In St. Louis
Getting Started
We provide the steps to obtaining your real estate license in the state of Missouri. It can be a confusing process and we will be here every step of the way. We can provide guidance on where to take the test, the best ways to study, some tips on how to pass, what everything will cost, etc.
Hermann London Orientation
Meeting with the Broker, Adam Kruse, is essential into integrating into the company. During the orientation meeting, you learn the company basics such as: Systems and Processes, Organizing Contacts, Personal Marketing Strategies, E- News Letters, Rules of the game, & Strategies and Goals. Adam says, “I have a passion for driving the culture of the company always in a positive direction and I want the agents to feel welcome and a part of the company and to find success in their careers.”
Administrative Assistant Meeting
We are not the typical “Old School” company. We are very tech savvy and have a lot of opportunities going on in the office at all times which is why meeting with our administrative assistant is important to integrate you into the company. In this meeting you will cover all administrative duties for setting up on the company networks, ordering business cards, setting up your own in house email, learning the online fax/ scan system, learning about our intranet, agent resource library, and order the necessary business materials.
Weekly Training
Every Tuesday there are training meetings in the office to go over various areas of business in the company that are beneficial to the agents, such as:
New Listings, Recent Sales, CMA’s, Contract Writing, Process of making a deal successful, Property Showing Standards, Short Sales, Foreclosures, Farming an Area, What to do after you have an accepted contract, Surveys, Inspection, Financing, Blogging, Do’s & Dont’s of the industry, Agent sharing, and much more.
Marketing Meetings
Marketing meetings are when the agents get a chance to show off their style. They have the chance to demonstrate their personal way of doing business while we provide an outline of the most beneficial way of doing so in the areas of Organization and Communication, Goal Setting, Negotiations, Client and Potential Buyer Presentations, Online Marketing, and Networking.
Shark Tank Sessions
When you want to brainstorm a new idea, evaluate your plan, demonstrate a concept, make a big visual list, map out a big real estate deal, or do make a video blog, a meeting in the Shark Tank is the place to do it. In here we have big white boards, stand-up desks, and plenty of space to really dig into a project. The Shark Tank is open to all of our agents for use at their convenience.
Tools for our Real Estate Agents
Besides in-office training, Hermann London wants to provide tools that allow our agents to be the most successful that they can be.
Robust Lead/ Contact Management Programs
- A web-based system that allows our agents to manage their contacts allows emailing from agents to clients and also put personal information in about their customers to keep relationships healthy. It’s a hybrid between a listing book and home buyer scouting report type of system. We have one of the most top notch property search functionality in St. Louis.
- Super Robust CRM system for organizing contacts into appropriate circles, creating snail mail campaigns, keeping track of tasks, properties, income, and so much more.
- An automatic and super sleek eNewsletter campaign that is customized to your information and sent monthly to your contacts on your behalf
Online Presence Sheet
Thorough and comprehensive list of websites that are beneficial to the generation of business for our agents. We will help you cut through the clutter and make the most efficient use of your time by making sure you show up on the most effective websites. Ever noticed that you see certain agents all over the place? Want to dig deeper than “just make a facebook page” and make an impact online? We have the hottest list of the most effective sites to spend your time.
MLS and Commercial Information Exchange
You will use the MLS and the CIE to search for properties of all types in St. Louis and surrounding counties. While most Real Estate companies have access to one or the other, we have access to both. This will also help you when going on a listing presentation for a commercial listing to let them know you will be able to get the word out about their property where Realtors and buyers are looking. We have a representative from the MLS come to our office on a regular basis for personalized training on all the amazing functionality that the MLS provides us.
Custom Listing Domain Solution
In House Custom Web listing service for creating custom web pages for listings. You can see an example at www.2303Marconi.com, for less than half the cost of other listing domain solutions from third parties, we have created our robust system that will allow you to brand yourself and your property and provide a massive amount of information to potential buyers.
Agent Domain
We create a personal Bio for each agent to allow for networking and generating business and also each agent is encouraged to write blog entries for our HermannLondon.com blog site. Want to have more than a Bio page? We have over 15 templates for you to choose from for your personalized and fully editable website provided by our company.
Company Provided, Agent Branded Newsletter
An email newsletter generated in the Hermann London Office that our agents can personalize and send to their clients or potential clients to keep up their networking and contacts. We have had great success using this system to keep in touch with old clients and stay in front of new ones.
Systems for Real Estate Agents
Checklists of Processing a Deal
We provide the best and most efficient systems of processing your closing. There are hundreds of steps and thousands of details that go into making each deal go from meeting the client to collecting your check; we have broken down each step into these checklists that give you the confidence you are getting everything done properly to make sure your client is serviced in the best way possible.
33 Touch Programs
We provide you with a program that allows you to keep a consistent flow of communication with your sphere of influence throughout the year. We allocate numerous touches of contact with your influence to assist you in keeping a close client-agent relationship. The “33 touch” program comes from a famous book about how to be successful in Real Estate, we believe in it and want to help you be as successful as possible.
24 Hour Call Capture System
If you are already a Realtor you know what this is, but for potential agents out there, this is a system that allows people driving by your listing to see a sign that says “Free 24-Hour Recorded Message about this house” Typically potential buyers are more willing to call a sign like this than call a Realtor directly. This along with our custom listing domain solutions allows us to stay “green” and not have to place hundreds of printed flyers in the front yard. The main difference about the call capture system we use, and the ones that other Realtors use, is simply that our company provides this free of charge to our agents.
Google Ranking
We are ranked online for most keywords with national companies that are nationwide while we are a local company in St. Louis. By now you have likely read in several places that we aim to be the most web and tech savvy company in St. Louis. One of the main reasons that we have found success in today’s market is our ability to show up in the search results when people are searching for things related to Real Estate and St. Louis. On the streets, we may not have thousands of agents and thousands of listings, but online we show up in Google right along with the biggest companies in St. Louis, and often in front of them.
Have a set of keywords that you want to rank for in Google? We can help, We love it!
We can help, We love it!