If your friend is an active agent, who has shown you high levels of ethics and integrity, is honest, successful, and happy, then, sure, use them!
If your friend is a part timer who has very little experience, but is still honest and has a great work ethic, then you may still consider using them.
If they have a healthy relationship with their Broker and are humble enough to get help when they don’t know the answer to your questions or how a particular piece of the process should work, then you should strongly consider using them to buy a home.
If they are a part time REALTOR® with little experience, meeting all of the other ethics qualities you may, however, consider finding a more experienced agent when it comes to the sale of your home.
These days most houses take hard work, a strong marketing plan, and often a creative solution set to get the job done. If it’s a money thing, you can always ask your friend to refer you to an agent that you.
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