Northampton Real Estate
The Northampton Neighborhood is bounded by Hampton, Chippewa, Kingshighway and Arsenal. Most of the businesses in Northampton are on the exterior of the neighborhood. There are a couple of schools nestled into the neighborhood both private and public. This neighborhood has something for everyone. There are larger brick homes with stained glass windows, arched entryways, and other period touches.
Northampton also boasts a good number of smaller starter homes perfect for the first time homebuyer or someone wanted to downsize. Northampton also has a nice selection of two and four family residences. It’s a nice array of homes to choose from. On average, a home stays on the market for 80 days. So buyers need to be prepared to jump on the opportunities in Northampton as they come on the market.
The average square footage of the Northampton home sold from January 1 to August 24, 2010, was 1130. The median price for a multifamily property during that same period is $114,000 with the highest sold $195,900. This is a great neighborhood to consider an investment property or a multifamily home where you live in a unit and lease out the other(s). Tilles Park is a 29-acre park that boasts baseball and softball diamonds, a basketball court, and soccer fields. The park also holds a playground, four tennis courts, and two racquetball courts. It’s a great park to walk around and meet your neighbors as most likely they are out walking the park.
Northampton, MO Amenities:
Airport Amusement park Bank Clothing store Convenience store Hospital Park Pharmacy Police Post office School Shopping mall